
Blind copper exploration in the Babine Porphyry Belt

The Topley Property has been optioned.

The Topley property is located south of Granisle in the Babine Lake Porphyry Belt of Central B.C. It is accessible year-round via a highway that bisects the property minimizing exploration cost and carbon footprint. Clean hydro power is on site from power lines that also bisect the property. Several lakes on the property are available to supply water for future development. Geologica has engaged with indigenous bands to initiate a mutually acceptable development path.

Location Map of the Topley Property
Topley Location Map

Historical work has identified a mineralized Cu-Mo porphyry prospect in the eastern portion of the claims - one of the few areas containing outcrop. Rock samples also contain up to 6.84 g/t Au.

Recent work consisting of a re-interpretation of detailed magnetics flown by Riverside/Antofagasta and SGH sampling throughout the Property has advanced targets within the western portion of the claims. This area was briefly worked by Bethlehem Copper (Highland Valley) in the 1970s due to copper bearing float being discovered during powerline construction. Hudbay also explored it for VMS-type occurrences in the 1990s.

Property wide SGH sampling (on a 200m x 200m grid) has identified 3 possible redox centers (black circles) and a strong Au anomaly (yellow outline) measuring 2.2 km x 400 m.

The western area of interest is bound by two north-south trending magnetic lows (faults) in the same area targeted by Bethlehem Copper, Hudbay, and Antofagasta/Riverside. This area is completely covered by till. It has only received 4 drill holes. 3 of these were top-of-bedrock RC holes (white circles, completed by Antofagasta / Riverside) and 1 was a diamond drill hole (red circle, completed by Hudbay). None of these penetrated further than 4 m into bedrock.

RC holes: LLRC-13-001 intersected crystal lithic tuff (average 140 ppm Cu), 13-007 intersected intrusive (80 ppm Cu), and 13-008 intersected altered volcanics (300 ppm Cu).

DDH holes: LEN-004 intersected poly-metallic epithermal style mineralization in a bright white to pale grey rock that was thought to be a volcanic or intrusive. Identification was difficult due to extensive faulting and the fact that this section was intensely masked by alteration minerals. A 10.21m section returned an average of 90 ppm Cu, 0.121% Pb, 0.427% Zn, 0.719% Mn, 0.329% As, and 14.39 g/t Ag.

Exploration in 2023 will consist of an induced polarization completed over the western portion. High priority targets will be trenched and drilled.


Sidina: Intrusive-related gold and polymetallic veins near Hazelton